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Finishing up the First Trimester

May 21, 2010

Next week will be the last week of my first trimester. I've gotten over a lot of my early pregnancy issues such as the watery mouth (which is new this time around) and 24/7 sick feeling. I'm still not back to my normal self most days at all. I can go days where I'm about 75% my self and usual motivation/energy, etc. Other days, like the last few, I prefer to be in bed or on the couch/recliner most of the time.

Grace went to stay at her grandparents last night. I was able to do my college assignments that were due yesterday and went out with my hubby for a nice evening together. We came home and just relaxed and watched some of our favorite shows together. Then we both got 'inspired' and went to work on our separate computers on some projects we both have going on. We stayed up WAY WAY too late. I gave in sometime after daylight came around. Dave stayed up a little longer so he could run out to the bank to get some stuff taken care of. He surprised me with one of my favorite breakfasts - McDonald's egg mcmuffin. I must've been hungry because I scarfed that down real quick. I was obviously still really tired cuz I forgot about it until a few hours after I was up for the day. I love it when he surprises me with things like that. :)

Even though I didn't sleep and sleep to take advantage of not having Grace around to care for, I woke up VERY refreshed! I've had so much energy and motivation and everything that I haven't seen in myself in soo sooo long! I just hope it can last through tonight, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday... you get my point....


Tags: assignments, breakfast, college, dave, energy, grace, mcdonalds, motivation, second, surprises, trimester

Posted at: 05:35 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS


May 13, 2010

So, Dave and I have been keeping a secret for quite a while now.


We've known for many weeks but decided to keep it quiet until after I was able to get an appointment and confirm everything. Well, on Monday afternoon we were given the confirmation that I am in fact pregnant!  At the time they believe I was a little over 9 weeks along. Everything checked out fine and we even got to hear the heartbeat!!! The midwife*, Alice, said we may not hear it since it's normally not heard until about another week later. It took a while but we were eventually able to hear that beautiful sound!

This was the day after mother's day and after Grace and I went to see my Grandma's with my parents, she went home to spend the night with them. It was because Dave and I "had some running around and work and stuff to do". haha It was so hard to cover it all up and I was so worried someone was going to ask what work we were doing or where we were going to be, or just SOMETHING was going to make them suspicious.

Dave called his mom right away as we were leaving the appointment. (Let me tell ya,  we considered not telling her and the family and just let them find out when the baby was born or we showed up to visit sometime after the birth. Dave's family (mom, dad, and two sisters) live in Florida and especially his mom isn't very happy about not seeing her grandbaby more often. I offered to call her for him but he did it and he survived. haha (Pam - don't worry, we wouldn't have not told you guys! :) We just joked about lots of ways of telling people about...


Tags: announcement, baby, belly, dad, daddy, grace, love, midwife, mom, mommy, paragon health, pregnant

Posted at: 10:25 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

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